オプラ・ウィンフリーがマヤ・アンジェロウから学んだこと|When people show you who they are, believe them




This is gonna be so good!
= 今回本当に良いよ
Of all the lessons I’ve learned in my entire life,
= 私が人生の中で学んだ全ての教訓の中で
this may be at the very very very top of the list.
= 私が人生で学んだこと全ての中でも、これは本当に本当に最大のレッスンかもしれません。!
I first heard this lesson
= 最初にこの教訓を聞いたのは
mmm probably,,
= う~ん、多分。。
it was in my 20s
= 20代の頃です
when I first started to learn this lesson.
= 最初にこれを学んだのは
And then, over time I got it.
= そして、徐々に分かり
Now I really got it.
= 今は完全に理解しています
I was visiting Maya Angelou
= マヤ・アンジェロウを訪ね
and having a conversation with her about life and so many other things.
= 人生の事、他にも沢山の事を話しました

When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.

When she first told me this story,
= マヤがこの話をした時
I was talking about some bad relationship
= 私は過去の悪い恋愛関係
or the relationship going bad because of my own choices.
= とか恋愛関係が自分の選択のために悪化して行った事を話しました
And, she was saying to me
= すると、マヤは言いました
“Why are you blaming the other person?”
“He showed you who he was.”

When you look back on bad relationships, like for myself,
= 私のように過去の悪い恋愛関係を振り返る時
Sitting in an window
= 窓のそばで座り
waiting for him to show up.
= 彼が現れるのを待って
Not even answering the phone
= 電話にも出ず
This is before we were having a cell phone
= (携帯電話の前の時代です)
Not even getting on the phone
= 電話もしないで
because I was afraid if I was busy for one second then he would call
= 1秒、誰かと話してる間に電話がかかっても、お話し中で
and I would miss the call.
= 出れないかもしれないので
Not taking up a garbage on the weekend.
= 週末にゴミも捨てず

– an weekendとthe weekendの違い!
冠詞のa/anはone of ~(~の一つ)を表しan weekendは不特定の週末を示します。
対して冠詞のtheはonly(だけ、のみ)を表しthe weekendは特定の週末の事です(*^^*)
Because I might be out, taking a garbage out, in the moment that he calls.
= ゴミを出して外にいる時、電話がかかってくるかもしれないので
Not running the bath water, coz(because) he might call while I’m running the bathwater and I might miss the phone.
= 流してる間に電話がかかってきて聞き逃してしまうかもしれないので、お風呂の水も流さず
Waiting and waiting and waiting.
= 待って、待って、待ってて

When you look at that process of waiting for somebody who told you they were going to do something and told you they were gonna be there for you and they were not,
they were showing you in the moment exactly who they are.
That means that’s somebody who cannot be trusted.
= それは、信頼出来ない人ということです
So, why would you do the next time trust that person?

So Maya Angelou said to me
= マヤ・アンジェロウは私に言いました
(when I was telling her one of these stories about)
= 私が
“I was waiting!”
= 「待ってた!」
and “I couldn’t believe it”
= 「信じられない
and “He didn’t call me and I don’t know what happened!?”
= 「電話が来なかったけど、どうしたのかな!?」と話した時
She was saying “My dear.” (In Maya’s voice)
= マヤは言いました「お嬢ちゃん」(マヤの声で)
“When people show you who they are, why don’t you believe them?
Why must you be shown twenty-nine times before you can see who they really are?
Why can’t you get it at the first time?

*gonna=going to=will
*look back on ~=~{過去のこと}を振り返る
*show up=現れる
*answer the phone=電話に出る
*get on the phone=電話をする{に出る}
*afraid if ~=~かどうか心配
*be out=外にいる
☓She came home when I was sleping.
○She came home while I was sleeping.
*Why don’t you ~=~したらどうですか?